
Storage Blocks

  • A block is the smallest unit of data that can be written to a storage device
  • Hamming codes work by having a 256 block with 9 bits for error correction.

Block Sizes

  • HDDs have a physical block size ranging from 512-4096 bytes

  • HDDs generally refer to blocks as sectors

  • SSDs generally refer to blocks as pages
  • Filesystems generally refer to blocks as blocks.

  • Operating systems often use larger blocks of 4096 bytes called a "page" or an "allocation unit".

    • A page consists of 8 sectors.
  • Modern disks are also using physical sizes or sectors of 4096 bytes.
    • This can make the operating systems that write in 512 byte sectors inefficient, because the disk has to read 4096 bytes to access just 512 bytes on every read/write.
  • SSDs use physical units of 512 KB
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